Suasana sesebuah bilik darjah mempunyai peranan besar dalam menghasilkan aktiviti pembelajaran yang baik. Oleh itu, pelbagai aspek perlu diambilkira sebelum bilik darjah pendidikan khas (PK) dibina atau diubahsuai. Bilik darjah yang sempit sudah cukup untuk menjadikan suasana pembelajaran menjadi hambar dan menyukarkan. Adalah wajar semua bilik darjah PK dibina secara terancang dan memenuhi ciri-cirinya sebagai sebuah ruang pembelajaran. Program PK memerlukan tandas bersesuaian, laluan bagi kanak-kanak kurang upaya fizikal, perabot, dan ruang penyimpanan Alat Bantu Mengajar (ABM). Persekitaran bilik darjah yang ceria dan menarik boleh menarik minat murid-murid PK untuk belajar dengan tekun. Namun tidak dinafikan masih terdapat banyak lagi bilik darjah PK berada pada tahap kurang memuaskan. Terdapat beberapa pihak yang bertanggungjawab kurang mengambil berat tentang perkara ini. Oleh itu, kajian ini dijalankan bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauhmana kesesuaian infrastruktur fizikal sekolah dan program integrasi pendidikan khas di seluruh negara. Seramai tiga ratus sembilan belas responden yang terdiri daripada guru pendidikan khas telah memberikan pandangan mereka. Majoriti mereka kurang berpuas hati terhadap infrastruktur bilik darjah di sekolah mereka. Mereka juga menyatakan bahawa bilik darjah yang disediakan sempit dan tidak sesuai dengan bilangan murid. Mereka juga menyatakan bahawa terdapat sebahagian murid yang terpaksa berkongsi bilik darjah semasa proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran Pendidikan Islam terutama amali mengambil wuduk dan solat. Masalah lain yang turut dihadapi oleh mereka ialah kekurangan bahan bantu mengajar dan kemudahan yang terhad bagi pelajar yang kurang upaya. Kajian juga mendapati bahawa kelengkapan infrastruktur multimedia masih tidak mencukupi. Secara keseluruhan dapatlah disimpulkan bahawa infrastruktur bilik darjah sekolah dan program integrasi pendidikan khas di negara ini masih memerlukan banyak pembaikan dan peningkatan. Justeru itu pembinaan dan pengubahsuaian bilik darjah pendidikan khas perlu dilakukan mengikut satu speksifikasi standard yang diperakui pihak berkuasa.

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This experimental research compared the achievements of Form 1 students in two subjects; Geography and Integrated Life Skills, using three forms of assessment; Computer Software Interactive Question (Soalan Interaktif Berperisian Komputer- SIBKOM), Collective Direct Translation and Regular Assessment Form. Three hundred Form 1 students with hearing disabilities in Special Education Schools and Integrated Special Education Programs throughout Malaysia were assessed using a 50 item multiple choice examination questions for each subject. They were divided into 3 groups with an equal min of IQ. Next, a questionnaire consisting of 21 items on the effectiveness of SIBKOM was administered among 64 teachers and 128 students. Research data was analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively using SPSS software version 12.5. Research findings shows that SIBKOM assessment has significant link with the increment in subjects’ achievement compares to Collective Direct Translation and Common Form for both subjects. Results from questionnaire shows that the percentage of teachers and students who chose SIBKOM assessment is high (min 3.00). Overall, SIBKOM assessment had successfully increased the achievement of students with hearing disabilities who had been involved in this research. Thus, SIBKOM assessment can be developed as a form of alternative assessment to help students with hearing disabilities to display their true performance and comparable with students who are typically developing in Malaysia.

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Kajian ini bertujuan untuk melihat sejauh mana keberkesanan Kaedah Stesen Pembelajaran (KSP) dalam Program Khas Bermasalah Pembelajaran. KSP merupakan suatu bentuk pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang dilengkapi bahan bantu mengajar yang efektif melalui kaedah ‘hands on experience’ dan bermain sambil belajar. Kaedah ini dilaksanakan sebagai alternatif kepada sistem pengajaran dan pembelajaran pendidikan khas yang sedia ada bagi membolehkan murid-murid berkeperluan khas belajar melalui pengalaman. Pembelajaran melalui KSP juga dijalankan mengikut keupayaan dan minat pelajar. Justeru itu kajian ini menyelidiki sejauh mana KSP ini dapat meningkatkan minat, penguasaan kemahiran dan perubahan tingkah laku murid-murid. Kajian yang dijalankan ini berbentuk kuasi eksperimen berdasarkan reka bentuk ujian pra dan ujian pos kumpulan eksperimen dan kumpulan kawalan Seramai 16 orang murid dari Program Integrasi Bermasalah Pembelajaran SK Astana, Kuching bagi kategori perkembangan lewat diambil sebagai sampel kajian. Data dianalisis menggunakan Statistic Package of Social Science (SPSS) versi 14.0. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa KSP ini telah menghasilkan perubahan yang positif terhadap minat, penguasaan kemahiran dan perubahan tingkahlaku murid. Oleh itu diharap kajian ini dapat membantu pihak Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia dan guru-guru pendidikan khas merancang dan melaksanakan KSP yang lebih baik agar perlaksanaan KSP menjadi lebih berkesan terhadap perkembangan mental, fizikal dan sosial pelajar berkeperluan khas.

This study investigated the effectiveness of the Learning Station Method (LSM) in the Special Education Program for students with learning disabilities. LSM is a teaching and learning method equipped with effective teaching materials that emphasizes ‘hands on experience’ and learning through play. This method is an alternative to the traditional teaching and learning method that is currently being used in Special Education Programs as it provides students with an opportunity to experiential learning and is also conducted according to students’ individual ability and interests. The objectives of this study are to investigate the effectiveness of LSM in increasing students’ interest in learning, mastery of the skills taught and students’ behavior change. This study is quasi experimental with control and experiment groups, using pre and post tests.16 students who were diagnosed with developmental delay were recruited for this study. They were enrolled in the from the Special Education Learning Disabilities Program in Astana Primary School, Kuching. Data was analyzed using the Statistic Package of Social Science (SPSS) versi 14.0. Research findings showed that LSM was successful in increasing students’ interest, mastery of skills taught and positive behavior. It is hoped that this research would be useful for the Ministry of Education and special education teachers in planning and implementing more effective LSM for the development of mental, physical, and social domains of students with special needs.

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This research investigated the effectiveness of using ICT-based teaching aids in teaching students in remedial classes. Three different teaching methods were compared; the traditional method, teaching with non-ICT teaching aids and teaching with ICT-based teaching aids. Respondents were 90 Year 2 students who studied in remedial classes. They were chosen based on their performance on basic skills mastery test, which included reading and writing, as outlined in the Ministry of Education Remedial Class Guide Book 1999. Their score on this test was also used as their pre test score. They were then divided into nine groups according to method of teaching and student teacher ratio.

There was significant difference in research results based on teaching methods that was used. The score for traditional method was 77.27, non-ICT teaching aids method was 113.37 and ICT-based teaching aids method was 125.43. Post test score of the group that was taught using the ICT-based teaching aids obtained the highest score. Among the issues faced by teachers in using ICT-based teaching aids were their lack of expertise in preparing teaching aids, the lack of time to prepare teaching aids and the lack of standardized reading and writing test materials to measure students’ skills level. Furthermore, most of the teachers do not have specific training to teach students in remedial classes. Therefore, to overcome these issues, remedial class teachers need to be trained on the preparation of ICT-based teaching aids so that they could prepare more effective teaching aids. Materials and equipments to prepare ICT-based teaching aids need to be distributed to remedial classes in order to save teachers’ time in preparing teaching aids and instead allow them to focus on teaching and learning process itself.

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The Execution of The Inclusive Program at the Vocational Schools and High Schools


Inclusive Education Program, launched by the ministry of education to implement the concept of “education for all”, has not been properly carried out and therefore does not reach what it should achieve. The main reason for this failure is the unavailability of resource teachers. The second is the school committee has not been properly provided with the concept and implementation of inclusive education. Besides, the teachers have not also been provided with ways of dealing with and teaching misbehaved students. Findings show that teachers have positive reaction towards this type of students but are uncertain how to better serve them as they don’t have enough experience. Teachers and members should, therefore take some relevant trainings and intensive leaders to improve themselves so that they will be capable of properly carrying out this Inclusive Education Program at vocational schools.

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